Sunday, May 31, 2009

Birthday Weekend

It's been a great birthday weekend so far...

Friday night after we watched Big, I called Curt, my father-in-law, to ask him if he wanted to come help me put my grill together...

Thankfully he obliged... if i had tried to tackle this task by myself I'm guessing Lisa and I would have gotten into a fight and then I would have put the grill together wrong and it wouldn't work right....

So, Curt and Jules got here Saturday morning and we went to the Hub for breakfast.  This is our (mine and Lisa's) usual tradition every Saturday morning and it was nice to include them.  Once we got back to the house, Julie and Lisa went shopping and Curt and I -  check that, Curt, put together the grill.  I helped, but I basically made sure to stay out of the way...When that guy gets going on a project he is locked in!

After the grill was put together, I took Curt and gave him a drive-by tour of MSU.  We then met the ladies at Menards and Lisa and I came home.

Last week, Lisa had asked me what I wanted to do for my Birthday.  I told her I want to go to the Drive-In in Winthrop for supper.  We went back to Gaylor and Curt, Jules, Lisa and I went to the drive in and it was great.  Afterwards, we went stopped by Curt's Cousin's house, to get some asparagus and then went to Curt and Julie's and played a game of Rummy which lasted for an hour and half...Good times, i got second and Curt won.  When we came home, I marinated our chicken for lunch and then hit the hay.

Today we got up and went to church and then came home and fired up the grill.  Grilled asparagus and chicken and lisa made some rice...It was great!  Fresh strawberries for desert here shortly, an guy couldn't ask for much more.

Closed-Circuit To Jamie...I know I said I would never get a gas grill but I have become too impatient with waiting 40 minutes for the coals to get done.  I have buckled and went with speed.  I did keep the charcoal grill and I am guessing that it will be used every now and then.

This afternoon we are going to run a couple of errands before meeting my folks and Bryon and Brooke in Fairmont at the Channel for supper... Couldn't think of a better way to wrap-up the weekend.

Enjoy yours... I'm going outside, it's way too nice to be indoors.


Friday, May 29, 2009

Blast from the Past...


The weekend is off to a great start...Didn't have to go into the office today because our carpets were getting cleaned so I had the day off... Did a few things around the house and once Lisa came home, we went to Menards and got me a new gas grill with my birthday money...Now I have to put it together.  After some Buffalo Wild Wings, we came home, at 7 on a Friday night.

Sounds really exciting eh?

But the more exciting part would be that we are watching Big.  That's right, the 1988 movie with Tom Hanks...One of my favorites...Classic memory from seeing the original movie with my and dad had to cover our eyes during the make-out scene because there was a bra showing...ha.

Anyway, i posted the piano sceen.  

Enjoy your weekend!

Update-  Just saw a pogoball...I used to have one of those, but I don't think they were made for the gravel.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What's missing here...

Heard on Dan Barreiro's show tonight at 5 for the "Top-5 at Five" The #1 thing at 5 o'clock mentions that the 55-doughnut game between Iowa and Minnesota last November is not mentioned in the sesason results... As Michael Rand of the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports here there is mention of the game in at least three other spots.  Rand goes on to talk about the rivalry between the two schools and how it's not as strong as it is between say Minnesota and Wisconsin.  I really enjoy Rand's blog and can't wait to see him next week at the Minnesota State Softball tourney where we will most likely discuss this topic, among many other.

I couldn't disagree more...Sure Iowa and Iowa State is a big rivalry but the Iowa/Minnesota game... We are talking about the battle for the Pig and it doesn't get much bigger than that!  I keep going back to 2003 when Iowa tore down the goal posts after the win against Minnesota

But maybe I'm wrong... Iowa has won 7 of the last 8 meetings in the series and maybe that's why the rivalry isn't as hot as it used to be... Maybe it's the fact that the Gopher fans are sell out and sell tickets to Iowa fans for the game, giving the Metrodome (and I'm guessing TCF Bank Stadium) the name Kinnick North.  

Anyway, for Coach Brewster in case he forgot the game, here are the highlights: last thing when you go to Brewster's website, and click Multimedia you will see that you can't click on the highlights for the Iowa game...Must have forgotten to throw that link up.

Monday, May 25, 2009

We are alive, i promise...

Hey all- We are alive, feel bad that it's been so long. It's not that we have had a super crazy past two months or anything, i just didn't feel like I had all that much to talk about. So here we go, some one-timers for you on what's been going on in the world of SnL.

- Had a great Memorial Day weekend this weekend. Got off work Friday at noon and came home and mowed while Lisa worked around the house. Friday night we had supper at Big Dog's in Upper North (better than expected) and then had some friends over and had a bonfire Friday night.

- Saturday, we slept till 9 (it's been a long time since we have done that) and got up and did our normal Saturday morning tradition of going to the Hub for breakfast. After breakfast we picked something up for my mom, ran to the farmers market and got some rhubarb & strawberry jam and some rhubarb. We then jumped in the car and drove over to Nicollet to Schmidts Meat Market. The place was way crazier than I expected...Tons of meat options and I could have spent A LOT of money there. We picked up two packages of Philly cheese steak brats and a package of pineapple brats (heard about them the night before and got they got rave reviews, so we got them). After a stop at a friends house we were back in 'kato to get groceries.

- I grilled a package of the philly cheesesteak brats (amazing) and hotdogs (refuse to eat them...they were for Lisa's sister Robyn who joined us for supper and a movie) and made supper before before heading to see Night at the Museum 2. Good movie, not the first one, but good enough indeed. My favorite part might have been the six year old girl behind us that said "Is that the guy from Marly and Me" when owen wilson came on the screen. After the movie we came back to the house and I dominated a game of Rummy (which never happens). After we did dishes and Robyn left, I turned on Saturday Night Live and we went to bed.

- I am convinced this will be the summer of grilling... I think we've done it like six of the last seven days and I hope to continue the trend.

- One quick sidenote... I've always been a huge fan of Saturday Night Live, as has Lisa, but this season was one of the best ever... One of my favorite sketches (which was one Saturday) is this one.

- Sunday we woke up, watched some Jon and Kate + 8 and then packed and headed to Ringsted. Back home we did the tour of grandparents before coming home for pork patties on the grill. After supper we went out to see Jerry and Roxanne's new house and a couple of cold ones. Afterwards back in the house to watch the Twins finish the weekend sweep of the Brewers and hit the hay... Today, I helped Bryon and Brooke move upstairs and dad grilled before we headed back to 'kato.

- Now watching the rest of last season's Jon & Kate + 8 (we are 1:08 away from the much anticipated new season). I like the show, Kate drives me crazy, but i kinda feel bad for the kids with all the stuff going on right now with the family. Hopefully they can figure it out.

- Sports are done for the year and we will await to see where we finish in the Director's cup. I am thinking we'll be in the top four or five nationally, which again will be awesome. Our women's track team had a great showing at the outdoor championships last weekend, with Katelin Rains, our senior pole vaulter, claiming her fourth career pole vaulting title (and first ever outdoor).

- The better half has been hammering away at work and complains more and more about going as each day gets nicer. I don't disagree with her, it's tough to be cooped up in an office when it is really nice out.

- Last weekend we planted a bunch of flowers and they are starting to take. We also planted a green pepper which we hope will bear plenty of fruit for us this summer.

- I hate to admit it, but I've really gotten into birding over the last 18 months. We have two feeders out (our finch haven't been by lately). Our other feeder has had a few cardinals this summer which really has been exciting, but the stupid blackbirds have been eating too much out of there lately so i gotta get a different type of feed.

- Lisa just baked a Rhubarb cake, so I'm anxious to see how it tastes.

- That is really about all that's been new with us lately. I really hope that I can start doing a better with updating the blog.

hope everyone is doing well. Thanks to our service men and women for all you do, have done and will do.